"Just wait until we get home"
#2: IRONY::
"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about"
#3: LOGIC::
"Because I said so! That's why"
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, just in case you're in an accident"
#5: WISDOM::
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand"
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside...I just got finished cleaning"
"You'll sit there until that plate is clean"
"This room looks like a storm hit it!"
"If you don't straigten up, I'm going to slap you into the middle of next week"
"You better pray that that comes out of my carpet"!
#11: OSMOSIS::
"Shut your mouth and eat your food"
"You're just like your Father"
#13: JUSTICE::
"One day you'll have kids and I hope that they are just like you"
I'm sure there are a million more of these "Mommilies" out there. These are just a few {and I mean a few} of the many mommilies that have helped me to be a productive, upstanding, adult citizen!
Help me out, PLEASE! Tell me about the Mommilies that you were raised hearing. Want to post a list of your own {I'll be sure to read that!}, here's where you can do that.
P.S.:: Thanks Mom!!!
Here's some of your 'Mommilies'
Janet's mother used to say: "You have champagne taste and beer money"
OMG, I've heard all of these growing up.
Mrs Cooper
How many of these do you find yourself saying to your children?...
My Mom always used to say I have champagne taste on a beer budget.
Oh yes, I that's a good one!
I've added that one to the list :-)
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