17 February 2009

To Don't Tuesdays....

* {VERY} Late Entry...
{where can a gal get good tech support when she needs it?!}. So without further ado...

Don't be afraid to learn a new language...business language - that is. Pick up on the real meaning behind business buzzwords to get ahead {or to stay afloat}

The Buzzwords..............The Buzz

I'd like to build on your point....................I disagree, but you're the boss

We're launching another major initiative...Your life, for the next six months = nightmare

We need to think outside of the box........We're desperate

This is mission critical!..........................Your ass is on the line!

Due diligence!......................................I have a MBA!

CC me on everything..............................I don't trust you for a second

We have to change strategy.....................We don't have a damned clue

These are just a few buzzwords to get you started and keep you in the communication loop. So at least, if you don't know exactly what you're suppose to be doing, you'll know what they're saying about it!!!


T.Allen said...

Aah yes, I am quite familiar with this lingo. And now happily, gainfully (and sanely) self-employed as a result.

{S.T.U.F.F.} said...

Oh Yes,
the beautiful of self-employment.
The splendor of it all:-D